Friday, April 17, 2020

To my readers

If you're reading this, maybe you simply stumbled onto this blog by accident or maybe you have a reason for searching it out.

Either way, please stay awhile and let me explain why this blog exists.

I have been sexually abused more than once, by more than one person. For the longest time, I blamed myself. I lied to myself and others to protect the men that molested me. I minimized and made excuses for what they did and who they were.

Recently, I realized how wrong it is that I have been made to feel ashamed because of someone else's actions while those very people proclaim their right to abuse more children and teens without the tiniest shred of shame or guilt.

Anger at that injustice has been welling up inside of me and instead of taking it out on myself like I have in the past, I have decided to turn it outward and speak the truth here, for everyone to see.

This blog will be a place for hope, for honesty, for pain and healing and all that goes with it. This is a place for me and my thoughts, but it is also a place for every one of you. What I think and feel is echoed across the world and throughout time. I am not alone and neither are you.

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